Bifidus Actiregularis, Bifidus Regularis, Bifidus Digestivum, Bifidobacterium Lactis and variants

Bifidus Actiregularis, Bifidus Regularis, Bifidus Digestivum, Bifidobacterium Lactis and its variants are marketing names generated by Danone (known in the United States of America as Dannon) for one of the specific bacteria it uses in its “Activia” range of yoghurt products.

According to a reply received from Dannon by the Writerious blog, Bifidus Regularis (and therefore presumably all the variations of Bifidus…) is a proprietary strain of Bifidobacterium.

The source of “Bifidus” is from the intestinal bacterium Bifidobacterium animalis, a kind of bacteria found in the large intestines of most mammals, including humans. “Actiregularis” is an invented word, the first half of which which emphasises the active nature of the bacteria. In common with with Bifidus Regularis, the “regularis” part emphasises being “regular” and the “is” at the end suggests a scientific derivation. The bacteria is known as Bifidus Actiregularis in UK marketing materials and Bifidus Regularis in marketing materials from the USA.

Bifidus Actiregularis used to be called Bifidus Digestivum in UK marketing materials. “Digestivum” is an invented word which uses “digestive” as a root to suggest beneficial effects on digestion, combined with the latinate ending “um” to suggest a scientific derivation.

It is known as Bifidobacterium Lactis in Canadian marketing materials, where Lactis uses the Latin root for milk (“lac” / “lact-“) and “is” to suggest a scientific derivation.

It is known as “Digestivum Essensis” in German and Austrian marketing materials. These are both invented words, the first emphasising digestion and the second emphasising the “essential” nature of the nutrition, using latinate endings to suggest a scientific derivation.

The name of the bacteria changes from country to country and over time, to reflect differences in marketing strategy and consumer behaviour. One suggestion for the change in the UK from Bifidus Digestivum from Bifidus Actiregularis is that Bifidus Digestivum was so ridiculed it become a liability – do a Google search for Bifidus Digestivum to see the results.

The scientifically correct name for the bacteria is “Bifidobacterium animalis DN 173 010”.

The BBC has recorded an excellent radio programme about gut bacteria, including a discussion of the fundamental uncertainty about the very specific advertised claims for probiotics.

Read more about probiotics, prebiotics, and intestinal flora, Danone’s marketing strategy and what’s in Activia, Danactive and Actimel using the More information menu on the right.

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  • A biff is a slang term for a toilet. Take it from there.

    Posted by JoAnn on 10th February 2014

  • Its almost fraud. I’ve a few names I could call the marketing men.

    Posted by malcolm campbell on 2nd February 2014

  • I think activia is delicious

    Posted by Anonymous on 31st January 2014

  • I am a clinical microbiologist and this “bifidus regularis” nonsense really gets under my skin. There is no such bug. This “scientific” sounding name was no doubt though up my some marketing person.

    Posted by Scott on 26th January 2014

  • The reason I researched “Bifidus Regularis” is because it does sound like a made thing like Techroline. Oh wolfen, you sound like you have a serious “short man” complex.

    Posted by Eff Tea Party People on 16th January 2014

  • Yall keep eating that stuff to stay thin and healthy, and regular, I’m 50 yeares old, male, and work for 45 of those 50 years on farms industry, military, and to this day in 5’9″ tall and 175 lbs of muscle, yall eat yalls hearts out yuppies. Us country people dont have all the regular problems you city people have

    Posted by wolfen on 14th January 2014

  • Doesn’t this come from two words 1. biffy which slang for bathroom and 2. regular ?
    That being said, it stands for “regular bathroom” ?

    Posted by D. Stanton on 13th January 2014

  • Thank you!!

    Posted by Enter your name here on 9th January 2014

  • Any idea how yoghurt itself is made? Probably not, given the stupid “OMG Spelling Helps Ignorant Twats” type reactions. Bacteria are not only unavoidable, but in many cases very useful if not crucial to our existence. It’s only silly, squeamish people who go “OMG that’s gross”. Your existence is ‘gross’ so better get used to it. Or believe what soap manufacturers want you to believe, that you can eradicate bacteria with their products. Not a chance.

    Another fun fact: Kopi Luwak, the most expensive coffee in the world passes through the intestines of a civet cat before it’s harvested. People pay like €50 a cup to savor it’s exquisite taste…

    Anyway, Activia works wonders for me, where all else has failed. I have tried and tested, as I don’t take things for granted. For me it’s a proven fact that I can live a semi normal life with Activia, while without it I suffer from terrible indigestion (I’ll spare you the medical term). So it’s great that it exists!

    My doctors agree now that it is beneficial, after their initial skepticism they have to acknowledge the fact that they are receiving more and more positive feedback from their own patients.

    Re the invented name, who cares? How many other products have invented names? If that sounds better, who cares. Probably the people at Danone already envisioned the stupid and childish ‘poo’ reactions that some here have displayed. So yeah, rename it, so even the stupid may benefit from it.

    And those who say that some people who suffer from a certain disease don’t react well to probiotica are saying something like “yoghurt is dangerous for the lactose intolerant, shame on the manufacturers”. So if you’re intolerant to something don’t eat it then!!! Sheesh…

    Same goes for Activia, benefit from it if you want to ‘speed up’ your digestion, like I benefit from it every day. Or leave it alone if you’re too squeamish and/or silly to realize how it could help people who suffer from slow movements etc.

    Posted by Steve on 29th December 2013

  • these dannon guys actually took a strain from “the source” years ago and have grown trillions of the culture in the lab so its more out of a testtube now than it is from something’s intestines. but nice try guys. you’re more likely to eat shit from eating chicken than from eating this yogurt

    Posted by well, Sir... on 12th December 2013

  • It sounds like something from a Road Runner cartoon.

    Posted by LC on 20th November 2013

  • “Bifidobacterium LACTIS where LACTIS uses the Latin root for milk (“lac” / “lact-”) and “is” to suggest a scientific derivation”

    Surely bifidobacterium LACTIS is not derived from the Latin root for milk but actually for the group of bacteria called LACTIC acid bacteria that bifidobacterium belong too?

    Posted by JR on 18th November 2013

  • Eating 4 billion Bifidus ActiRegularis in one pot, which is more than any alcohol consumption in one bottle of booze, I hope it does more good than the latter.

    Posted by Jon-Lee on 16th November 2013

  • Omg I didn’t know this my favorite yogurt who knew

    Posted by Enter your name here on 14th November 2013

  • I didn’t know what Bifidus Regularis ment, so i google it. WOW! Dannon is pulling the Crap Over Our Eyes. It is a form of bacterium found in the LARGE Intestins =ing -(Sugar-Honey-Iced-Tea) to dress it up as Dannon did,
    (S–T) I will not purchase Dannon Activia again. I have five remainging containers that I will Disgard into the trash. A dis-satified consumer w/Dannon.

    Posted by Ms. T on 4th November 2013

  • You fucktards yogurt is spelled yoghurt in other countries. Same as color and colour and favorite and favourite.

    Posted by sara on 3rd November 2013

  • I have bad issues with my stomach and regular bowl movements. I eat fruits and vegetables as some have said and that does not regulate me, but I started eating the Activia and I have become regular. I also seem to have less issues with my stomach in general so I am happy with it. You don’t like there ads don’t watch, you don’t like the item don’t eat. What upsets me is people that say your eating shit and things like that. Everyone is entitled to an opinion but there is no reason to be mean rude and derogatory towards people who like it.

    Posted by Barb Jacobsen on 27th October 2013

  • Persons who have crohns disease can be fatally ill from eating products containing certain types of ‘probiotics’. The Bifidus regularis mentioned above causes mild constipation and the type of bacteria that is manufactured by Probi (Lactobacillus plantarum) and put into products such as ‘Proviva’ is much worse. It causes constipation in some healthy individuals such as myself. I respond to Proviva so that I can not defecate in about a week after eating even a small amount of Proviva. A near friend with crohns disease almost died from ileitis / constipation after eating Proviva shots. The marketing information is so suggestive and states that everybody benefits from eating these various products. Great caution should be exercised by the consumer and the marketing information should not be trusted at all.

    Posted by Peter Johansson on 21st October 2013

  • I too am skeptical about such things, as I have been let down many times before by false advertising claims. I have tried practically every over-the-counter supplement and medication in attempt to regulate my bowels with at most short-lived and minimal success. Then, a friend at work with similar digestive issues said that she swore by Activia, so I figured I’d give it a shot. I’ve been eating it for about a month or so now, and while I’m not 100% regulated I’ve definitely found this to be the most effective product I’ve tried.

    Posted by Tyler C. on 16th October 2013

  • I refuse to buy any product that has misleading information on it. For this reason I never buy any Danone (or its subsidiaries) products. It is a fundamental tenet of capitalism that buyers should vote with their feet, so that’s what I’m doing.

    Posted by etmax on 30th September 2013

  • “Enjoy” bifidus bacteria! It comes from somebody’s vagina or intestine…
    Bon apetit!

    The bacteria is destroid by the stomach’s acid so it is useless. All that is doing is making you actually eating somebody’s s**t.

    Posted by Sorin on 24th September 2013

  • So all this Bifidus XXXX is really marketing BS? Regularis is just a marketing jargon nothing more. Why is this s allowed, in our society?

    Posted by Duane Strong on 18th September 2013

  • I always thought they got the name from a road runner cartoon.
    Sounds like the names they used to show when they did a freeze frame of the coyote.

    Posted by bill on 1st September 2013

  • Stupid, stupid, STUPID! Why not just use the CORRECT name for ingredients? These marketing ploys are REALLY going TOO, Too, too far!

    Posted by Sanity Please on 31st August 2013

  • I have been eating bifidus in a Greek yogurt and it has kept my digestive system in good condition.

    Posted by pauline on 31st August 2013

  • I like the way the strawberry and cereal blend taste, i dont care what it claims it can do, i eat a cup with two egg whites and oats every morning.

    Posted by W>P on 30th August 2013

  • I knew that there is a sucker born every day! Shame shame shame, I will never purchase their products!

    Posted by D.Z. on 26th August 2013

  • Very ingenious marketing armour!

    Posted by [email address removed] on 25th August 2013

  • It makes dummies smile!

    Posted by Hondo on 22nd August 2013

  • In other words it’s hype.

    Posted by A.L Phillips on 20th August 2013

  • Thank you.

    Posted by Grannytats on 20th August 2013

  • Thank you! This confirms what i always throught from the very first time I heard it. Made up! How can they get away with it?

    Posted by Mirah on 18th August 2013

  • Bifidus Regularis! It really sounds like a pretty phony thing to me.

    Posted by David on 18th August 2013

  • Tastes good but if you are trying to loose weight this is not the way to go. Beware that there is 7g of sugar in a serving (4oz) cup. What really bothers me is artificial sweetener. The 7 g of sugar is Sodium Citrate Sucralose. (Splenda) Hummm?? So if you eat 7 a week then that’s 49g of artificial sweetener. Truthfully, have you ever seen an over weight person that eats artificial sweetener get thin or better yet fit? Come on people put down the diet stuff and eat better ~whole foods~ is the best. Activia does what it says it will do, but so will a balance whole food diet.

    Posted by Diana Florida on 13th August 2013

  • Bifidus strikes me as a created word relating to a, I believe german slang word, “Biffy” which refers to bathroom. And “regularis” refers to regularity. Therefore “Bifidus Regularis” just meands going to the bathroom regularly.

    Posted by I don't think so or Much ado about nothing on 11th August 2013

  • Does the word “bifidus” have anything to do with the Minnesota and Canadian word “Biffy”?

    A biffy is an outhouse for those unfamiliar with the word.

    Posted by Anonymous on 11th August 2013

  • Or is this just some scheme to get people to buy their product?

    Posted by So does it work or and is it good for you or not on 5th August 2013

  • Great marketing…I remember as a kid watching the Roadrunner..and the sub titles., Every time I hear BIFFIDUS REGULARIS, I want to finish off with BEEP BEEP. A great line. Who, besides me figured the cartoon slant the moment they heard it. It REALLY is genius ..and funnis regularis…BEEP BEEP!!!!

    Posted by Jack Groshans on 14th July 2013

  • Clever name’s made up to decieve…for real?! Are people now’a day’s really so ignorant?!!
    The first time I heard of this activia I laughed. Normal yogurt has a ton of active bacteria. I remember growing it in the fridge when we were kids. Guess I was lucky to have a mother who thought of inventive ways to teach us kids about the world. The way I now understand this activia is that they actually harvest human feces and extract the flora and put it in their yogurt? Awesome!! You can now pay extra to eat sh*t. What will they think of next?

    FYI, eat vegetables! They’ll make you “go”. Maybe lay off the vicodene, and theother man made drug’s that screw up your gut flora. I’m just a concrete guy, but at least have a bit of common sense. With a little help from Google I probably know more than I should.

    Lazy Americans….let everyone do for you and you’ll never know for yourself!

    Posted by CmonGetReal on 9th July 2013

  • That urban dictionary definition is hilarious. I love this company’s attempt to mock their much larger competitors here > – note the probiotic strain listed in the footnote too!

    Posted by DontBSMe on 9th July 2013

  • This says it all…

    Posted by TLo on 8th July 2013

  • I ate it when my yogurt had run out and saw that my father had yogurt in his fridge. Yogurt is part of my morning ritual and for about a week I ate his yogurt (Activia). When I finally went to the store, I ended up buying Activa instead of my normal because it tastes better then other yogurts. The weeks went by and I started having a bowel movement regularly everyday which has never happened consistently in my entire life. I was telling my dad about how I was “going” everyday and felt so much better and less bloated. He said, “Yeah, that yogurt really does it for ya”. I never read the labels fine print on Activia. I thought it was just normal yogurt maybe with more vitamins in it for active people. I felt kind of stupid at first for not knowing that the yogurt was designed to make you poop…now I know why the grocery store lady looks at me weird for buying lots of it…but I really don’t care because it really did help me without me even knowing it. I don’t care if Dannon made up some bull to sell it…everyone has spun a web of bull at one point or another and at least their bull really works. It tastes good and it helps you go…it’s not harsh like laxatives and doesn’t make you poop if you just eat one cup. I love it and would recommend it to anyone who suffers from irregular bowels.

    Posted by Danielle on 13th June 2013

  • I can’t believe Claire fell for this…

    Posted by Dan on 8th May 2013

  • Well, you took care of the scientific garbage….please tell us allin laymen’s terms please. It’s good to make information plain where people can understand it. OMG! Thank you..

    Posted by Lynn on 1st May 2013

  • Well, that covers everything you would want to know about the origins of the name and then some. How about some intelligent information about the bacteria itself?

    Posted by John on 19th April 2013

  • It’s good. Not sweet. Just right. Why does one need it? If one’s intestines or digestive system is regulated, why would we need it? Can an “overdose” hurt you?

    Posted by Rita on 2nd April 2013

  • Thanks for the website. I was researching this particular strain of bacteria and was interested to know which products included it. Completely strange and stupid of Danone not to just use the real name.

    Posted by John on 30th March 2013

  • Dave: It’s bullshit.

    Posted by BadGuy on 24th March 2013

  • Who cares what it’s called? If it benefits you and/or you like it, eat it. If not, then don’t.

    The digestive, immune, anti-allergenic and other benefits of probiotics are well known, and if you have to prove it, the proof’s in the yogurt.

    What I’d be worried about is the exclusive monopoly granted over a bacterial strain that was part “created” by the scientists but mostly created by God. Can Danone sue me if I re-culture their (in fresh milk? (That’s the question that brought me to this site.)

    Posted by dave on 22nd March 2013

  • I have a simple strategy. If it’s advertised it must be crap. I don’t buy it. If it is any good it doesn’t need advertising,

    Posted by Long suspected as much on 9th March 2013